On 2 September 2020, NCU Indonesia held a virtual coordination meeting with the Technical Regional Organisers (OPD) of Papua Province and Merauke District to update the government units on ATSEA-2’s 2020 Annual Work Plan (AWP).
After presenting the ATSEA-2 programme activities and updates, technical discussions were made on collecting data in the field, planning survey locations, recommendations to add sharks and rays as conservation targets, and integrating zonations in the spatial plannings. These varied discussion points allow for ATSEA-2 to work closer together with government representatives of Papua Province, and specifically from Merauke District and to share information and knowledge with one another.
The meeting was attended by deputies and officials from BAPPEDA of the Papua province, the Fisheries office of Merauke district, the Marine Fisheries Research, KKHKL – KKP, LPSPL Sorong, PT. MADEP and ATSEA-2 NCU Indonesia.