In Indonesia, The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) has set a target to increase their Marine Protected Area (MPA) reaching an area of 30 million Ha by the year 2030. Up until the last quarter of 2019, the MPA zone has spread up to 22.68 million Ha with a total of 195 MPAs in total. In addition to expanding these important zones, an effective management of these MPA must also be taken into account.
To achieve an effective MPA management, enhancing the human resources capacity in the field of marine conservation is key. Each person tasked to manage this responsibility is ensured to acquire competency in conservation management, as they require specific and professional work. By getting certified through the national Special Work Competency Standard (SK3) for Managing an MPA, future managers would be able to apply these competencies in their respective field.
This training is an important step for ATSEA-2 in Indonesia, where the management unit for a potential MPA located in the area of Kolepon, Merauke District is in its initial phase.
Between 7 to 11 October 2019 in Kapoposang, South Sulawesi Province, ATSEA-2 hosted a Technical and Competency Standard training and certification aimed at future managers of the Kolepon MPA in Merauke District, Papua Province, which is also a project site of ATSEA-2 in Indonesia.
(photo credit: ATSEA-2)
There was a total of 16 participants that attended the training that were part of various organisations and institutions including: Cenderawasih University, University of Papua, The department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Papua Province, Agency for Coastal and Marine Resources Management (LPSPL), Agency for National MPA in Kupang (BKKPN Kupang), and Agency for Coastal & Marine Resources Management, Makassar.
(photo credit: ATSEA-2)
On the first 4 days of the training programme, participants were introduced to 8 modules that included both technical and hands on exercises provided by 5 trainers, each expert in the field of marine conservation. The modules provided were as follows:
- MPA Management Policy (Kebijakan Pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi)
- MPA Zonation (Zonasi Kawasan Konservasi)
- Principles of Education and Awareness for Management (Prinsip-prinsip Kegiatan Pendidikan untuk Pengelolaan)
- Principles of Law Enforcement (Prinsip-prinsip Penerapan Hukum)
- Carrying out Preparatory Planning Activities (Melakukan kegiatan persiapan awal perencanaan)
- Risk Framing (Merumuskan Masalah yang akan ditangani)
- Develop Management Strategies (Menyusun Strategi Pengelolaan)
- Draft MPA Monitoring Plan (Membuat Konsep Rencana Pemantauan Kawasan Konservasi)
(photo credit: ATSEA-2)
Their module also included a field trip where attendants were able to see first-hand the implementation of some of these principles within the Marine National Park of Kapoposang.
On the last day of the technical training, participants succeeded in passing the competency test and earned their certification. This marks an important step for the future of Kolepon MPA, where its appointed managers would be able to safeguard the conservation area.
(photo credit: ATSEA-2)
For ATSEA-2 in Indonesia, this training proves a successful implementation of their programme activities. One that supports future activities in creating an MPA in Kolepon.