The last event of courtesy meetings with the echelon one of Indonesia Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) was held on 29 June 2020 with the Research and Human Resource Agency (BRSDM KP). Similar to the three previous meetings, this meeting aimed to introduce ATSEA-2 RPMU and to seek suggestions on how the ATSEA-2 programme could be synergized and integrated within MMAF’s programmes. The meeting was held face-to-face in the office of BRSDM KP in Mina Bahari III Building, Jakarta and attended by 10 people – 6 from BRSDM KP and 4 from ATSEA-2 RPMU and NCU Indonesia.
Three key messages were recorded during the meeting. Firstly about the structure of the programme, where ATSEA-2 needs to identify common interests and issues, while employing science to address them accordingly. Science should give recommendations to policies and policies should be designed and implemented at national and regional levels following a regional governance mechanism. Secondly about ATSEA-2’s programmes that should balance sustainability, livelihoods, and economic growth. And lastly about running the programme under the physical constraints due to COVID-19. An example of a solution discussed is by splitting risks and responsibilities between national and local teams, where field research can still be conducted, while maintaining health protocols.
Finally, the head of BRSDM KP, Prof Ir. R. Sjarief Widjaja, Ph.D, FRINA, welcomed and expressed their strong support for ATSEA-2. BRSDM KP has infrastructures set up and running on the ground that include, but are not limited to available data, human resources, and research vessels. BRSDM KP is prepared to collaborate with ATSEA-2 team for a successful ATSEA-2 implementation.