On 24 August 2020, NCU Timor-Leste held a coordination meeting in Manatuto involving the Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) municipality task team members to create an ICM sub task team for the ongoing project activities in Posto Administrativo Barique. As part of ATSEA-2’s SAP implementation, the ICM approach becomes an important management tool in the remote regions of ATS due to the increasing pressures undertaken by the coastal environment. To scale up the implementation of the ICM in the region, ATSEA-2 aims to enable the capacity of remote-site locations such as the Posto Administrativo (sub-district) of Barique in Manatuto, as decided by the local Municipality government.
Through the initiated sub task team, it has been decided that a quarterly planning will be carried out to kick-off the on-site implementation programme with newly identified points of action. The first is to give guidance to the ICM task team members on their responsibilities. The second is to start the enumeration training to help consultants in their baseline survey and climate vulnerability assessments. The third is to raise awareness on marine issues to the coastal communities.
These points of action serve as a starting point for the ICM sub task team, while the consultants deliver results from their surveys and recommended actions, through which the task team would be able to continue planning and implementing programme activities in the Posto Adimistrativo.
This ICM coordination meeting serves as a positive start in addressing issues of governance of human activities on the use of coastal and marine ecosystems in the remote areas of Timor-Leste.