On 16 December 2019, after Timor-Leste’s National Inception Workshop, Timor-Leste’s National Coordination Unit (NCU) hosted the National Project Board (NPB) Meeting. The main agenda of the meeting was to present, discuss and adopt items on the Terms of Reference (TOR) for Timor-Leste’s NPB as presented by the Regional Steering Committee. Another item on the agenda was to present and approve the 2020 project annual workplan and budget, based on the recommendations from the meeting.
(photo credit: ATSEA-2)
Timor-Leste’s National Project Coordinator of ATSEA-2 agreed to circulate the revised work plan and budget to NPB members for review and approval. Members agreed to meet a minimum of twice a year and as often as would be needed.
The NPB was attended by the Director General of Fisheries of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, representatives from the Ministry of State Administration, the Ministry of Finance, the Secretary of State for Environment, PEMSEA Resource Facility, and the United Nations Development Programme in Timor-Leste.