
Where we work : Australia

Australia is a signatory to the Ministerial Declaration endorsing a Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for ATSEA-2.

ATSEA-2 will partner with Australia to complement a number of key activities, investments and studies taking place at a national level. Working within its territorial waters and alongside neighbouring countries, Australia will support the restoration, conservation and sustainable management of marine-coastal ecosystems in the ATS. Many issues are transboundary in nature, with impacts felt across the region due to the movement of species and materials carried by ocean currents.

ATSEA-2 Project activities in Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea are complemented by the following Australian organizations and projects:

  • Geoscience Australia
  • The Australian Institute for Marine Science
  • Parks Australia 
  • State and Territory agencies 
  • The National Environmental Science Programme (NESP) 
  • Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF)

These groups provide on-water work within the various activities, along with supportive data and knowledge-sharing networks.

Partnering with Australia will help the ATSEA-2 Project to improve ecosystem understanding and support the sustainable use, management and monitoring of marine assets in the ATS region.

Australia will also provide support and strategic direction through its position on the Regional Steering Committee of the ATSEA-2 Project.