

Component 3 of the ATSEA-2 Project has been designed to support sharing networks for best practices and scale up the positive impacts of Strategic Action Programme (SAP) and National Action Plans (NAPs).


  • Improved monitoring of the ATS region
  • Disseminate knowledge gained from the project

With the help of the GEF framework, ATSEA-2 will set up an SAP monitoring system to monitor ocean health in the context of climate change. The project will also establish a regional monitoring mechanism to strengthen governance activities that fall under Component 1.

In order to disseminate information and share best practices, the project will set up a regional information system that will address long-term needs in the management of the ATS region. In addition, a new communications strategy will include the following:

  • An enhanced ATSEA website
  • Bulletins, publications and videos in English and local languages
  • Contribution to IW: LEARN