

Component 1 of ATSEA-2 has been designed to strengthen regional and national governance for the management of the Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) region, and facilitate regional-level dialogue in relation to policies and programmes in Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea.

The governance mechanism will be predicated on a clearer understanding of how climate change impacts are affecting vulnerable local communities, fisheries and marine/coastal ecosystems in the ATS region. This will be achieved by working with leading experts, using state-of-the-art scientific analysis and assessment techniques.


Establishment of regional and national mechanism for cooperation
Strengthened institutional and human resource capacities
Better understanding of climate change impacts on marine and coastal ecosystems

Updated Trans-boundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA), Strategic Action Programme (SAP), and National Action Programmes (NAPs).


The ATSEA-2 Project has been designed to have a wide-ranging and positive impact, by reaching out to a broad range of interested groups, including:

  • Governmental ministries and agencies
  • Academics from universities and research institutions
  • Members of the civil society
  • Community groups
  • The private sector
  • Local government administrations

In addition, a stakeholder partnership forum supports the ATS secretariat in ensuring representative stakeholder participation and coordinated governance of ATS ecosystems. Regional and national governance will be enabled by the creation of dedicated National Inter-Ministry Committees (NIMCs), established at the national level to support the implementation of ATS SAP and NAPs.