
Ni Luh Putu Yulia Dewi

Communications Assistant

Cristine Ingrid S. Narcise

Policy and Result-Based Management Specialist

Deti Triani

Marine Technical Assistant

Katherine Rose Gallardo-Aguiling

Konsultan Proyek (Pemantauan dan Evaluasi)

Nur Junaidi

Project (Finance and Admin) Associate

Casandra Tania

Spesialis Keanekaragaman Hayati Regional

Handoko Adi Susanto

Manajer Proyek Regional

Johanis Valentino Fofied

Indonesia Field Facilitator for Merauke

Nathazha Bostanova Eunike Sipasulta

Junior Project Clerk for ATSEA-2 National Coordination Unit Indonesia

Dwi Ariyoga Gautama

Koordinator Proyek Nasional – Indonesia

Bernardo de Jesus Pereira Belo

Site Mobiliser for Municipality Manufahi And Manatuto

Domingos Lequi Siga Maria

Head of Climate Change and Environment Unit

Ines Da Costa Pereira

Administrative and Finance Associate of Timor Leste

Kenneth Yhuanje

National Project Coordinator of Papua New Guinea

Joe Kiningi

Administrative and Finance Officer of Papua New Guinea

Ni Luh Putu Yulia Dewi

Communications Assistant

Bernardo de Jesus Pereira Belo

Site Mobiliser for Municipality Manufahi And Manatuto

Bernardo works as a Site Mobiliser for the ATSEA-2 Programme’s National Coordination Unit (NCU) in Manufahi and Manatuto, Timor-Leste. Before joining the ATSEA-2 Programme, he worked in the Biodiversity and Pollution Department of the Ministry of Environment for a year. Prior to beginning his career, he studied at the National University of Timor-Leste, where he graduated from the Faculty of Economic Tourism.

Domingos Lequi Siga Maria

Head of Climate Change and Environment Unit

In the first semester of 2021 (February-June), Domingos Lequi Siga Maria – known to his colleagues and friends as Leqsi – led Timor-Leste’s NCU for ATSEA-2 as the Programme’s acting Project Coordinator. This has been a difficult time, not least because of the spike in Covid-19 cases nationwide, which forced the government to impose unusually tough lockdown measures. Despite many challenges faced by marine fisheries during this period, Leqsi managed to maintain momentum and helped the Programme stay afloat. Prior to joining the UNDP Timor-Leste Country Office as the head of Climate Change and Environment Unit, he worked in the petroleum/energy industry in Timor-Leste for about 15 years. Leqsi, a Fulbright scholar, completed his MSc in Energy Management (with Distinction) from the New York Institute of Technology, New York City. He also holds a BSc in Natural Resources and Environmental Management from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa in Honolulu.

Ines Da Costa Pereira

Administrative and Finance Associate of Timor Leste

As admin and finance associate for ATSEA-2 Project based in Timor-Leste, Ines is responsible for carrying out all day to day administrative, operational, budgetary and financial management. She also supporting NPC budgeting and functional to optimize the cost-recovery system and collaboration with different stakeholders.⁠
Ines earned her bachelor degree in Business Economics, Financial Management from the Institute of Business (IOB) Timor-Leste with 8 years of experience working for UNDP projects.⁠

Kenneth Yhuanje

National Project Coordinator of Papua New Guinea

Ken has 14 years of professional experience in fisheries, conservation and environmental impact assessment. He previously served as Senior Advisor and Superintendent at Porgera Gold Mine in PNG from 2011 and 2020 where he managed environmental management system and environmental monitoring, reporting and environmental projects. Prior to that, he worked as a research biologist between 2006 and 2011 with Wildlife Conservation Society, and as a fisheries biologist between 2004 and 2006 with Ok Tedi Mining Limited where he managed research on artisanal fisheries on the Fly River and aquaculture in Western Province. Ken has a Master of Science (MSc) in Biology degree from the University of Saint Louis-Missouri and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Biology degree from the University of Papua New Guinea.

ATSEA-2 responsibilities :

  • Support the implementation of the project
  • Monitor the project work plan, outputs and targets as approved by the Project Steering Committee (PSC)
  • Ensure a clear and strategic support link between the Regional Project Management Unit (RPMU) and the National Coordination Unit (NCU)
  • Engage national counterparts and build a reputation for quality design and reliable delivery of the ATSEA-2 Programme
  • Supervise project personnel and coordinate the activities of other consultants

Joe Kiningi

Administrative and Finance Officer of Papua New Guinea

Joe Kiningi serves as NCUs Administrative and Finance Officer. Joe is an accredited Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and brings with him 14 years of experience as an accountant, auditor and administrative officer. Prior to joining ATSEA-2, Joe served as Accountant and Admin Manager in T.J. Lopia and Associates LTD from 2018 to 2020. Before that, he worked with Anglicare PNG Inc. as Senior Finance Officer from 2015 to 2018 as Internal Auditor. Joe also served as Accountant in Oceanic Communication (PNG) Ltd from 2012 to 2015, Assistant Accountant of Nikom Parts and Engineering and Raddlestown Real Estate Ltd from 2008 to 2010, and Accounts and Administration Officer of Central Business Systems from 2006 to 2008. Joe has a Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from the University of Papua New Guinea.

Johanis Valentino Fofied

Indonesia Field Facilitator for Merauke

Joe serves as the Field Facilitator for Merauke for the ATSEA-2 National Coordination Unit (NCU) of Indonesia. He is responsible for guiding the field team and local stakeholders, supporting the program and conducting outputs based on UNDP and Government plans. He has 17 years of experience in Communication and Behaviour Change and projects that focused on sanitation, economy, and clean water. Before joining ATSEA-2, Joe has worked for several NGOs and International Donors such as USAID Indonesia, Mercy Corps, Plan International Indonesia, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, and Wahana Visi Indonesia that focuses on education, economy, and clean water and sanitation.⁠

Nathazha Bostanova Eunike Sipasulta

Junior Project Clerk for ATSEA-2 National Coordination Unit Indonesia

Thazha graduated from the University of Canberra with a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in International Studies and minoring in Communication. Her profound interest in the development sector has led her to join UNDP Indonesia as an intern at the Sustainable Development Financing Phase 2 (SDF-2) project in 2018. Now, Thazha is the Junior Project Clerk for the ATSEA-2 National Coordination Unit (NCU) of Indonesia.⁠

Dwi Ariyoga Gautama

Koordinator Proyek Nasional – Indonesia
Yoga adalah Koordinator Proyek Nasional-UNDP untuk ATSEA-2 komponen Indonesia dan memiliki 10 tahun pengalaman kerja dengan Program Kelautan WWF Indonesia. Ekologi laut menjadi inti pengalaman profesional, kualifikasi akademis, dan ketertarikan pribadinya selama bertahun-tahun. Sebelum bergabung dengan ATSEA-2, Yoga bekerja di Yayasan Pelangi Indonesia dalam program adaptasi perubahan iklim yang bermitra dengan nelayan di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur.

Kualifikasi, Keterampilan, dan Pengalaman :

  • Sarjana Ilmu Kelautan dari Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Anggota East Asia’s IUCN Shark Specialist Group

Tanggung jawab di ATSEA-2:

  • Mendukung implementasi proyek.
  • Mengawasi rencana kerja, keluaran dan target yang disetujui oleh Komite Pengarah Proyek (KPP) di Indonesia
  • Memastikan adanya kaitan yang jelas dan strategis antara Unit Manajemen Proyek Regional (UMPR) dan Unit Koordinasi Nasional (UKN)
  • Melibatkan mitra-mitra di tingkat nasional dan membangun reputasi kualitas rancangan dan
    pencapaian yang dapat diandalkan dari Program ATSEA-2.
  • Supervisi staf dan mengkoordinasikan kegiatan konsultan-konsultan lain.

Cristine Ingrid S. Narcise

Policy and Result-Based Management Specialist

Prior to joining the ATSEA-2 team, Ingrid has worked with PEMSEA over three phases of GEF/UNDP projects that supported the development and implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA), a shared regional marine strategy that was adopted by 12 countries in East Asia in 2003. She coordinated the development and implementation of the SDS-SEA projects in Indonesia, Thailand and Timor-Leste, including capacity building on and demonstration and scaling up of integrated approaches for managing marine and coastal areas and resources. She worked previously with the Marine Science Institute of the University of the Philippines as part of the Chemical Oceanography team. Ingrid obtained her Master’s Degree in Chemistry from the University of the Philippines.

Deti Triani

Marine Technical Assistant

Deti has considerable experience in Marine Spatial Planning, especially for the technical establishment process.

Qualification, skills & experience:

  • 3 years experience as GIS and Database Officer and Marine Spatial Planning Assistant
  • BSc in Applied Meteorology, Minor: Marine Science from Bogor Agricultural University
  • Marine spatial plan, spatial database, and spatial analyzer for Marine Conservation Area

ATSEA-2 responsibilities:

Her role in ATSEA-2 is to support the Regional Project Manager in the technical aspect for the implementation and coordination of project activities.⁠

Katherine Rose Gallardo-Aguiling

Konsultan Proyek (Pemantauan dan Evaluasi)
Kate memiliki pengalaman lebih dari satu dekade dalam mengkoordinasikan fungsi sekretariat di Program ATSEA-2, bekerja dengan Project for Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) bersama GEF/UNDP/IMO/UNOP. Sebelum bergabung dengan Program ATSEA-2, Kate bekerja sebagai Produser Eksekutif untuk perusahaan media di Filipina, berfokus pada konseptualisasi dan produksi program yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan publik.

Kualifikasi, Keterampilan, dan Pengalaman:

  • Berpengalaman selama 15 tahun bekerja di PEMSEA sebagai Staf Teknis untuk Tata Kelola Laut Regional, Staf Pemantauan dan Evaluasi, dan Koordinator Sekretariat Fasilitas Sumber Daya PEMSEA
  • Magister Sains dalam bidang Studi Internasional dari University of the Philippines

Tanggung jawab di ATSEA-2:

  • Mengembangkan templat pelaporan dan sistem pemantauan internal proyek
  • Menyusun dokumentasi untuk mendukung laporan pemantauan
  • Mempersiapkan Laporan Perkembangan Proyek untuk presentasi pada rapat tahunan KPR
  • Membantu Manajer Proyek dalam mengawasi dan menilai Rencana Kerja Tahunan dan pelaksanaannya.

Nur Junaidi

Project (Finance and Admin) Associate
Berbasis di Bali, Nur Junaidi (juga dikenal sebagai Juned) bekerja sebagai Project Manager Assosiate untuk memastikan bahwa semua hal yang berkaitan dengan keuangan dan administrasi diimplementasikan dengan benar. Sebelum bergabung di Program ATSEA- 2 pada April 2020, Juned menghabiskan 2 tahun sebagai Finance Officer di HIVOS hub SEA (South East Asia).

Kualifikasi, Keterampilan, dan Pengalaman:

  • Berpengalaman bekerja selama 10 tahun dengan proyek-proyek yang didanai oleh PBB dan lembaga-lembaga internasional seperti UNFPA, UNDP dan USAID
  • Sarjana di bidang Ekonomi dari Sekolah Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan, Jakarta

Tanggung jawab di ATSEA-2:

  • Memastikan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan donor dan pemerintah Indonesia
  • Mendukung pelaporan dan implementasi proyek yang efektif
  • Memberikan dukungan administrasi pada Unit Manajemen Proyek
  • Mendukung mobilisasi sumber daya

Casandra Tania

Spesialis Keanekaragaman Hayati Regional
Seorang ahli biologi kelautan yang berpengalaman, penyelam dan pegiat konservasi, Cassie telah bekerja untuk melindungi hiu paus di Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih dan mendukung implementasi Proyek Konservasi Dugong dan Lamun dengan WWF Indonesia yang didanai oleh GEF. Cassie membawa pengetahuannya yang luas dan ketertarikannya yang mendalam terhadap kelautan pada Program ATSEA-2.

Kualifikasi, Keterampilan, dan Pengalaman :

  • Tujuh tahun pengalaman sebagai Marine Species Officer di WWF-Indonesia
  • Survey bawah laut, pemantauan laut, analisis, pelaporan, dan manajemen proyek.
  • Magister Sains Erasmus Mundus di bidang Keanekaragaman Hayati dan Konservasi Laut dari Ghent University, Belgia
  • Magister Filosofi di bidang Kepemimpinan Konservasi dari University of Cambridge, UK
Tanggung jawab di ATSEA-2 :
  • Mendukung UKN di Indonesia, Timor Leste, dan Papua Nugini
  • Mengkoordinasikan implementasi Komponen 2 di level regional.
  • Menyelenggarakan inisiatif pengembangan kapasitas, pelatihan, dan berbagi pengetahuan untuk UKN
  • Mengawasi pengembangan rencana kerja dan anggaran tahunan, alokasi dan pengeluaran finansial untuk kegiatan di bawah Komponen 2
  • Mengontrol kualitas pengembangan dan implementasi kegiatan proyek di bawah Komponen 2.
  • Mengindentifikasi dan mempromosikan peluang pengaturan kemitraan antara publik dengan swasta yang melibatkan pemerintah nasional, provinsi dan lokal; donor; organisasi internasional; dan perusahaan/sektor bisnis.
  • Mengawasi perluasan proyek ATSEA, replikasi teknologi/praktik terbaik, serta investasi.

Handoko Adi Susanto

Manajer Proyek Regional
Sangat fasih dalam ekologi terumbu karang dan pengelolaan pesisir terpadu, Handoko memiliki lebih
dari 15 tahun pengalaman bekerja dengan proyek-proyek USAID dan LSM lingkungan seperti The Nature Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Society, dan RARE. Handoko juga menghabiskan satu tahun di Conservation International sebagai penasehat pengelolaan laut dan pelatih untuk Republik Demokratik Tmor Leste di bawah naungan program Coral Triangle Support Partnership (USAID-CTSP). Saat ini Handoko berbasis di Bali, dimana ia telah bekerja sebagai Regional Project Manager Program ATSEA-2 sejak Januari 2020.

Kualifikasi, keterampilan, dan pengalaman:

  • Perencanaan dan pengelolaan kawasan konservasi perairan, pengembangan kebijakan dan pendanaan publik.
  • Gelar Doktor di bidang Biologi dan Konservasi Kelautan dari Kyushu University, Jepang
  • MSc di bidang Pengelolaan Zona Pesisir Tropis Terpadu dari Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) di Bangkok, Thailand
Tanggung jawab di ATSEA-2:
  • Mengelola proyek sehari-hari, memastikan integritas dan koherensi proyek secara keseluruhan.
  • Supervisi staf proyek di Unit Manajemen Proyek Regional atau (UMPR)
  • Memberikan laporan substansi, manajerial dan keuangan
  • Menerapkan keahlian dalam bidang pengelolaan perikanan, proyek GEF International Waters (IW), dan teknologi informasi.