

Programa ba Aksaun Estrategia Nasional no Regional  Tasi Arafura no Tasi Timor (ATSEA-2) buka individu no konsultores kualifikadus iha nivel alto hodi prense kargu sira iha implementasaun  ba programa. Disponibilidade  servisu nebe’e iha deside  tuir unidade trablho iha fatin nebe’e servisu hala’o hela iha ivel regional no nasional.

Agora dadauk ne’e la iha pozisaun ida nebe’e loke.


ATSEA-2 servisu hamutuk ho varius organizasaun no instituisaun iha regiaun tomak ATS. Suksesu programa ATSEA-2 so posibel mak liu husi parseria no kolaborasaun.

Kertabumi Recycling Center

Expert support in conducting case study on climate change vulnerability assessment at
site level

National Fisheries Authority (NFA) Papua New Guinea

Fishwell Consulting

Starling Resources

Oceanographic Research Center Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2O-LIPI)

Regional Plan of Action to Combat Illegal Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (RPOA-IUU)

Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG)


Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem

Oil Spill Response Ltd

Expert support in the implementation of trainings related to oil spill preparedness and response, and possible support in development of oil spill preparedness and response plan in ATS

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

PT Hatfield

Coral Triangle Center (CTC)

Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP)

Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN)

Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning

Centro Peskiza Oceanografia /LIPI (P2O LIPI)

PT. Multi Area Desentralisasi Pembangunan (MADEP)

Pemerintah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (Pemprov NTT)

Pemerintah Provinsi Maluku (Pemprov Maluku)

Pemerintah Provinsi Papua (Pemprov Papua)