The Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Phase II (ATSEA-2) project is currently supporting the development of an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) plan for red snapper fisheries in the Arafura and Timor Seas. Find out more about ATSEA-2 here ( As a stakeholder of these fisheries, we request your assistance. The following survey
GEF-UNDP-PEMSEA Arafura-Timor Seas Programme A survey of south-coast communities and coastal ecosystems in Timor-Leste has found onshore and offshore marine pollution presents a significant threat to economic and environmental sustainability. Global marine pollution, combined with climate change, threatens the collapse of all marine ecosystems within our lifetimes.
Healthy coastal environment is vital for lives and livelihoods. However, the rampant economic exploitation, marine pollution, and climate change impact remain unsettled tasks to be resolved. These multivariate threats to coastal habitats and ecosystems require integrated management as the key to sustainable development.
In Timor-Leste – where over 70% of the population relies on subsistence agriculture – fishing is a crucial source of livelihoods and protein for both coastal dwellers and inland communities. Small-scale coastal fisheries dominate the fisheries sector, while inland fish farms are seasonal and usually sustain only a single household.
The GEF/UNDP/PEMSEA ATSEA-2 Project welcomes Mr. Kenneth Yhuanje and Mr. Joe Kiningi as the National Coordinating Unit (NCU) staff members of ATSEA-2 Project in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Mr. Kenneth Yhuanje joins the NCU as PNG’s National Project Coordinator. Ken has 14 years of professional experience in fisheries, conservation and environmental impact assessment. He previously
Hahu iha tinan 2019, ATSEA-2 ida ne’e hanesan faze daruak husi Programa Arafura & Timor Seas Ecosystem Action (ATSEA); Parseria regional nebe’e involve Guverno Indonesia, Timor-Leste no Papua Nova Guinea nebe’e hetan suporta husi Guverno Australia. Grupo ida ne’e hal’o nia k’nar hodi define no implementa solusaun ba kestaun tasi transfroteiras nebe’e importante nebe’e regiaun sira ne’e hasoru.
Saida mak atu atinji husi programa?
Ami nia objetivu: Hodi garante gestaun no utilizasaun rekursus peskeiros no tasi klean nebe’e sustentalvemente.
Ami nia metas : Atu halo protesaun ba bens no servisu ekosistema Tasi Arafura no Tasi Timor
Husi preserva ekosistema natureza to’o hasa’e produsau peskas local no asegura rede abastesimentu iha nivel regional, halo lansamentu ba Programa ATSEA-2 hodi asegura katak rekursus peskeiros no tasi klean protezidu
Ami nia alvo metas atu preserva biodiversidade tasi Arafura no tasi Timor nebe’e totalmente saudavel no ba komunidade sira nebe’e vida moris loron-loron depende ba tasi nebe’e saudavel atu nune bele sustenta moris. Ami hala’o k’nar hodi asegura konektividade nebe’e suporta rekursus no rendimentu husi rekursus ne’e rasik bele la’o efisientemente, justo no sustentavel.
Ami hala’o k’nar iha nasaun tolu nebe’e iha regiaun ATS: Indonesia, Timor-Leste no Papua Nova Guinea. Iha Indonesia, fatin sira mak hanesan iha distrito Aru, Provinsia Maluku, distrito Merauke, Provinsia Nusa Tenggara Timur. Iha Timor-Leste maioria fatin lokalizada iha kosteira parte sul , iha Suai, Manufahi, Manatuo, Viqueque no Municipio Lautem. Ikus liu mak iha Papua Nove Guinea, ATSEA-2 hala’o nia k’nar iha South Fly District, Provinsia Sul.